Sunday, November 16, 2008

Joe Lieberman, Democratic Survivor

As a result, the campaign ended last week with Senate Democrats in a forgiving mood, even if the party's grass roots still want blood. Most Democrats in Washington are happy to have Lieberman aboard for most Senate votes -- especially with the party now so close to a filibuster-proof 60 votes -- and wouldn't be inclined to move against him world of warcraft gold just because he endorsed a losing presidential candidate. They needed more motivation than that, and by reining himself in this fall, Lieberman didn't provide it.

Nothing is official yet, but the momentum seems to be on Joe Lieberman's side in his bid to retain his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Needless to say, this is a distressing development for Lieberman's many passionate critics on the left, who believed that his fervent support of John McCain -- and occasional elbow in Barack Obama's face -- combined with the Democrats' cheap wow gold beefed-up Senate majority would be enough for the party's caucus to jettison him once and for all.

But that's not how things have played out since last week's election -- and it really shouldn't come as a surprise.
The Lieberman saga began, of course, after the 2006 elections, when Senate Democrats, locked out of the majority for all but 16 months of the previous 12 years, found themselves with 49 seats. The chamber's two independents, Lieberman and Vermont's Bernie Sanders, were needed to put them in control -- and Sanders, who insisted on retaining his independent status while reliably siding with Democrats, wasn't really an issue.

But Lieberman was. Back in those days, he was embittered by his party's abandonment in that fall's Connecticut Senate race and emboldened by the comfortable victory he nonetheless racked up as an independent. Returning to Washington after his home-state triumph,buy wow gold he seemed intent on poking a stick in the eyes of all of his Democratic tormenters. Needing his vote, Senate Democrats had no choice but to abide him.

So it was that Lieberman, declaring himself an independent Democrat (as opposed to his campaign season pledge to return to the Democratic fold), was handed the Homeland Security gavel anyway in January 2007. Then he began settling scores, bluntly attacking his party and its leaders for their posture on Iraq and other national security issues and hinting that he'd be open to backing a Republican presidential candidate in 2008.

Some on the left shouted for Democrats to cut Lieberman loose on the spot, citing an agreement that Majority Leader Harry Reid had worked out after the '06 election with G.O.P. leader Mitch McConnell that didn't provide for control of the chamber to change partisan hands if Lieberman -- or any other senator -- switched allegiances to the G.O.P. Reid and his colleagues resisted, though, in part because the agreement with McConnell was a technicality wow eu gold: In practice, had Lieberman declared himself a Republican, the G.O.P. would have howled (to considerable effect) that Democrats were clinging to fine print in an effort to rule the chamber from a minority position.
By the end of 2007, Lieberman formally endorsed John McCain, whose G.O.P. primary campaign was in the beginning stages of its revival at the time, and began touring the country at his side. As it became clear that McCain would secure the Republican nomination and face Obama in the fall, Lieberman's visibility increased, with McCain strategists seeing him as the perfect ambassador to independent voters.

McCain's primary-season triumph also introduced the possibility that Lieberman might be asked to serve as his running mate, a development that would have made him the first person ever to serve on the national ticket of both major parties. Lieberman was publicly dismissive of such talk (as all good would-be VPs are), but his moves telegraphed genuine interest. McCain, it became clear over the summer, was just as excited by the idea.
As this vice presidential intrigue was building steam, something else was becoming clear: The Democrats were going to be in better -- much better -- position in the Senate come 2009. By this past spring, Democrats were beginning to dream of a 60-seat majority. Not a single Democratic incumbent appeared to be in danger, while Republicans in some of the deepest red states were fighting for their lives wow gold cheap, swimming against an anti-G.O.P. Congressional tide every bit as strong as the one in 2006.

These two developments -- McCain's desire to put Lieberman on the G.O.P. ticket and the Democrats' overpowering strength at the Senate level -- put Lieberman in a tricky spot. To mollify a skeptical G.O.P. base and secure McCain's VP slot, he'd need to ratchet up his attacks on Obama and begin distancing himself from some of his more liberal views, particularly on social issues. But the harsher his attacks on Obama, the worse position he'd be in to bargain with Senate Democrats if he had to return to the chamber after the election.

Lieberman tried to preserve both options. In the spring and summer months, as his VP prospects seemed to brighten, he launched a series of sharp and widely reported attacks on Obama.

"If we did what Senator Obama wanted us to do last year, Al Qaeda and Iran would be in control of Iraq today. The whole Middle East would be in turmoil and American security and credibility would be jeopardized," he said in one Fox News appearance.

After Obama appeared at the AIPAC conference the day after clinching the Democratic nomination in June, Lieberman held a conference call in which he questioned Obama's commitment to Israel and his understanding of Iran. That led Obama to personally confront Lieberman on the Senate floor. When it became clear that Lieberman would speak at the Republican convention, he seemed on course for an irrevocable split with his fellow Democrats.

But then he cooled off. The reason: Conservative activists and Republican establishment figures, many of them eager to secure the No. 2 slot for Mitt Romney (to position him for a future White House run) launched a campaign to deny Lieberman a spot on McCain's ticket. McCain tried to fight it (he noticeably burnished his own anti-abortion credentials over the summer) but ultimately gave in, opting instead for Sarah Palin.

That, in turn, led Lieberman to pivot. Had he been tapped for the G.O.P. ticket, he would have been all-in with McCain, ready to burn all of his bridges with Democrats in the fall campaign in an effort to win the White House. His sharp spring and summer rhetoric would have been a mere preview of his general-election assault against his old party and its candidate. But after McCain snubbed him, Lieberman was forced to consider his future in the Senate -- and the reality that Democrats would be its dominant party after the election, and probably for years to come. So, instead of shredding Obama, he switched gears and began instead focused on talking up McCain. His much-anticipated G.O.P. convention speech, for instance, was devoid of red meat (and just about any mentions of Obama, for that matter) and put much of the audience to sleep. A VP nominee Lieberman, no doubt, would have delivered a much sharper address.

Lieberman, clearly, was thinking ahead to life in the Senate. He stuck by McCain through the fall, but mostly resisted lashing out against Obama. (It could have been much worse.) At the same time, he continued voting with Democrats on most issues outside of foreign policy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Proudmoore guild plays out GLBT pride

Our interview with Venfelder, a long-time member from the rank and file of Taint, paints a picture of a mature, friendly,world of warcraft gold open community of players making the most of WoW's many opportunities for raiding, PvPing and just plain hanging out together.

15 Minutes of Fame is our look at World of Warcraft players of all shapes and sizes – from the renowned to the relatively anonymous, the remarkable to the player next door. Tip us off to players cheap wow gold you'd like to hear more about.

If you've made even the occasional pass through wow gold cheap the Blizzard forums, you're likely to have run up on at least one of the periodic flamefests with players stomping their virtual feetsies and pointing in horror at the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender (GLBT) guilds clustered on the Proudmoore server. Never one to ignore the elephant in the room, we got curious about what these guilds are all about and how they ended up on Proudmoore.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain fails, Obama is not rattled

John McCain needed a miracle in his final debate with Barack Obama on Wednesday night, a miracle that would wipe away McCain’s deficit in the polls and re-energize his flagging campaign.
He did not get one. The clouds did not part. Heavenly choirs were not heard. Instead, the American public heard angry attacks from McCain.
Sometimes McCain attacked directly runescape gold, and sometimes he attacked sarcastically, but he never stopped attacking. And he never rattled Obama. Obama answered every attack and kept his cool.
How cool? Obama was so cool that after 90 minutes under blazing TV lights, an ice cube wouldn’t have melted on his forehead.
McCain attacked him on everything from wanting to raise the taxes of Joe the Plumber - - now the most famous plumber in America and at serious risk of becoming so wealthy his taxes will go up no matter who wins - - to not traveling enough.
“I admire so much Sen world of warcraft gold. Obama’s eloquence,” McCain sneered. “Sen. Obama, who has never traveled south of our border.” (This from a man whose running mate got her first passport last year.)
But McCain didn’t just attack, he also defended, including defending those people who attend his rallies and the rallies of Sarah Palin who have shouted nasty and threatening things when Obama’s name is mentioned.
“Let me say categorically that I am proud of the people who come to my rallies guild wars gold,” McCain said. “I am not going to stand for anybody saying that the people who come to our rallies are anything other than patriotic citizens.”
Obama responded to all this — what else? — coolly.
“I don’t mind being attacked for the next three weeks,” Obama said. “What the American people can’t afford is four more years of failed economic policies.”
He never got off his game plan. He never got shook up.
The biggest impact of the three presidential debates for Obama was not anything said or not said. It was impressionistic: Obama simply did not appear to be the scary “other” that McCain needs him to be. “When people suggest that I pal around with terrorists, then we are not talking about issues,” Obama said smoothly.
For McCain, the biggest impact of the debates was visual: In the first debate he refused to look at Obama, in the second debate McCain appeared to careen around the stage and in this last debate McCain would scribble furiously with his Sharpie as Obama was talking or else smirk in response to what Obama was saying.
Moderator Bob Schieffer of CBS often asked provocative questions that sometimes did not get provocative responses runescape gold. When Schieffer asked each man why the country would be better off if his running mate became president rather than the other guy’s running mate, Obama said Joe Biden “shares my core values.” John McCain said Sarah Palin is a “reformer” and “she has united our party.”
And McCain’s desire to keep his party united behind him — because who else is? — was very much on his mind, dipping deep into conservative Republican talking points. McCain repeatedly accused Obama of “wanting to spread the wealth” around, which doesn’t seem like all that bad an idea to people who aren’t wealthy.
But there was one place McCain would not go: He did not bring up the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. It is a line McCain seems determined not to cross cheap wow gold for, even though some in his party are urging him to do so. What McCain really needed is what he still needs: for Obama to make some huge gaffe, something that makes Obama look like the riskier choice between the two.
But Obama made no such gaffes Wednesday night.
“The biggest risk we could take right now is to adopt the same failed policies and same failed politics that we’ve seen for the last eight years,” Obama said.
The race is not over. It would be wrong to write McCain off. After all, there is still almost three weeks to go. And in politics, anything can happen.
interesting link:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Maureen McCormick Spills.A Very Brady Druggie?

"I'll always be struck by how much a part of people's lives Marcia is and always will be," she writes. "But now I'm not bothered by the connection. It took most of my life, countless mistakes and decades of pain and suffering to reach this point of equanimity and acceptance."

Growing up Brady wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Erstwhile Marcia Brady Maureen McCormick is telling all—and we mean all—about her formative years both on and off TV, revealing new details about her depression, drug addiction, unwanted pregnancy and what can only be described as an exhaustive history of suitors in her new memoir, Here's the Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice.

In addition to discussing an unusual string of relationships with Steve Martin, Michael Jackson and her TV bro Barry Williams, the actress and sometime country singer also reveals that she once traded sex for drugs and engaged in full-on binges at the Playboy Mansion and at the home of Sammy Davis Jr.

Marcia, Marcia, oh, Marcia.
"As a teenager, I had no idea that few people are everything they present to the outside world," McCormick, now 52, writes in the book, excerpts of which were released today. "Yet there I was, hiding the reality of my life behind the unreal perfection of Marcia Brady.

"No one suspected the fear that gnawed at me even as I lent my voice to the chorus of Bradys singing 'It's a Sunshine Day.' "

McCormick was 14 years old when the family sitcom began its four-year run in 1969 and apparently didn't have much personal experience to draw on for the character. In the book, due out tomorrow, the actress says she came to the feel-good show from an abusive family, with a father who abused and cheated on her mother.
When the show ended, McCormick says she turned to drugs, taking cocaine and Quaaludes among other illicit substances, a habit which failed to help her secure additional employment.
In the memoir, the actress also details a blown interview she had with Steven Spielberg, blaming the ill-fated meeting on her being high at the time.

What followed throughout the '80s was a battle with addiction and depression, including interventions and rehab stints galore along with various medications and therapies.
Despite her tumultuous road since then, McCormick seemingly has no regrets about her Brady gig and subsequent permanent place in pop culture.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dodgers 7,Phillies 2

The Dodgers had a 1-0 lead by the time Moyer had thrown five pitches on singles by Rafael Furcal, Andre Ethier and Ramirez. Casey Blake singled in another run before DeWitt lined a 2-2 pitch into the right-field corner to clear the bases and send the towel-waving, blue-clad fans at Dodger Stadium into a frenzy.
The announced attendance of 56,800—800 more than listed capacity—was the largest in Dodger Stadium history. Tiger Woods was a guest in owner Frank McCourt’s box cheap wow gold, wearing a Dodgers cap and NL West division champions T-shirt.

The Phillies got a run in the second on Ryan Howard’s leadoff double and a two-out RBI single by Pedro Feliz, but Furcal hit Moyer’s first pitch over the left-center wall in the bottom half to make it 6-1.
Nomar Garciaparra, making his first start of the postseason, hit a two-out RBI single off J.A. Happ in the fourth to extend the Dodgers’ lead to 7-1.

The Phillies didn’t have a base runner after Feliz’s second-inning hit until Chase Utley doubled to start the seventh. Howard and Pat Burrell followed with singles to make it 7-2 and chase Kuroda.

LOS ANGELES (AP)—Manny Ramirez and the Los Angeles Dodgers were tired of getting brushed back in the NL championship series, so they came out ready to fight back against Philadelphia.

Blake DeWitt’s bases-loaded triple off Jamie Moyer capped a five-run first inning maple story mesos, and the feisty Dodgers beat the Phillies 7-2 in a testy game Sunday night to trim Philadelphia’s lead to 2-1 in the best-of-seven series.
The benches and bullpens emptied in the third inning, moments after Los Angeles starter Hiroki Kuroda threw a pitch over Shane Victorino’s head, with an angry Ramirez barking at the Phillies during the fracas.
But there were no punches or ejections, and the Dodgers played with poise all night.

“We just want to play the game right,” Ramirez said. “We’re a team and we need to protect each other. I wasn’t trying to get anybody. I was there just in case anything happened. I just wanted to go out there and protect my teammates. I don’t fight nobody. I’m a lover.”

Kuroda pitched effectively into the seventh for the Dodgers, who will try to even the series Monday night. Game 1 loser Derek Lowe, working on three days’ rest, will face Philadelphia’s Joe Blanton.

“We’re not back yet,” Ramirez said. “They won two games, we’ve got one. The game tomorrow is going to be real important wow gold, so that’s the game that counts.”

Kuroda buzzed Victorino in an apparent attempt to retaliate for Brett Myers throwing behind Ramirez in Game 2. Plate umpire Mike Everitt immediately warned both teams, and Victorino shouted at Kuroda while pointing at his own head and upper body.

“Someone was bound to get hit. The situation called for it,” Victorino explained. “Just don’t throw at my head.”
Victorino grounded out to first baseman Nomar Garciaparra runescape gold, then exchanged words with Kuroda near the bag. Both dugouts cleared and the bullpens followed.

Kuroda said afterward through a translator that he tried to throw inside, but the ball slipped out of his hand.
Dodgers third base coach Larry Bowa and Phillies first base coach Davey Lopes appeared to be two of the angriest participants in the near-scuffle, yelling at each other before the teams cleared the field. Ramirez also came in from left field and had to be restrained by teammates, manager Joe Torre and an umpire.

“The ball just got a little bit away from Kuroda,” Dodgers catcher Russell Martin said. “The last thing we’re trying to do is hit somebody in the head. We were just trying to get him uncomfortable up there a little bit.
“Those guys have been swinging the bats pretty well. It’s just baseball. They’ve been throwing up and tight on us world of warcraft gold, and it got us a little uncomfortable. So it was just a good time to do that.”

Myers threw behind Ramirez in the first inning of Game 2 on Friday, and Martin was brushed back as well. The soft-tossing Moyer hit Martin with a pitch in the first inning Sunday night, and reliever Clay Condrey knocked down the Dodgers’ catcher in the second.

Martin was hit by another pitch in the seventh, a breaking ball from Chad Durbin, drawing boos from the crowd and prompting Ramirez to climb to the top step of the dugout. But Martin took first base without any trouble.

Crew chief Mike Reilly said the warning was issued to protect the players runescape.
“That’s the toughest thing for an umpire to read—intentional,” Reilly said. “But we absolutely had a situation, we had a batter hit and then the retaliation, pitch up high. And we figured at that point that we should put a warning in to stop any further retaliation from the other side coming back out again.”

The Phillies and Dodgers don’t have a recent history of animosity, unlike Boston and Tampa Bay, the ALCS participants wow eu gold. The Red Sox and Rays have played two peaceful games in their series after a nasty brawl in June.
“I think it’s over. I’ll squash it,” Victorino said.

Torre thought the warning from umpires was proper.
“With the passion that goes on in this postseason, I mean, you work all year to get here, and I think the umpires just basically tried to do the safe thing,” he said. “And I can’t fault them in that.
“Nobody wants to get hit in the head,” he added wow gold cheap. “That’s certainly frightening. I’ve been hit a couple of times. I’m not sure that that was the intention, even though the pitch was there. Again, you try to throw a ball inside and sometimes it gets away. But certainly there was no intent on hurting somebody in that area. That I can tell you for sure.”

The Phillies and Dodgers have played 11 times this year, including eight in the regular season, with the home team winning every game. And the Dodgers’ 23-9 record at home after the All-Star break was the best in the majors.

Kuroda, a 33-year-old rookie making the second postseason start of a career that includes 11 years in the Japanese Central League wow money, gave up five hits and two runs before being relieved by Cory Wade with two on and nobody out in the seventh. Wade retired the next three batters.

The 45-year-old Moyer, who became the oldest pitcher to start a league championship series game, lasted only 1 1-3 innings for his shortest outing since July 4, 1998. He gave up six hits and six runs.
“He had a tough time tonight,” Phillies manager Charlie Manuel said world of warcraft money. “They came out swinging on him. They were not taking very many pitches. And they hit some balls hard and also seemed like everything they hit went through for a hit.”

some web

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Overheard at BlizzCon 2008: A real, live Blue

The couple chose to have a small ceremony because Beyonce said she is not a "traditional woman."
"It's been my day so many days already," she added.

LOS ANGELES cheap wow gold, Calif. -- After remaining tight-lipped about her marriage, Beyonce is at last speaking out about her wedding to Jay-Z.

"What Jay and I have is real. It's not about interviews or getting the right photo op. It's real," Beyonce told Essence magazine in its November issue.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Star Sightings The singer says she did not want an engagement ring world of warcraft money."People put too much emphasis on that," she told the mag. "It's just material and it's just silly to me."

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Star Couples According to Essence, the R&B superstar wears a band over a tattoo of the Roman numeral IV runescape gold, which is significant because both Beyonce and Jay-Z were born on the fourth day of the month and they were married on April 4.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Around Azeroth: Rubber ducky, you're the one

Oh yeah. This is just what I needed after a long day. A hot bath, a couple of candles, and you. Oh, rubber ducky, you're the only one who truly understands me. You're the only one who doesn't make fun of my massive world of warcraft gold, oversized arms, or call me a space squid, or mock my cousin who tried to take an exfoliating lava bath. If only we could be together! But alas, the anchorites frown on that sort of thing. Don't they understand that a manly man like me has to find something to relax with?

(Thanks to Vesuuvius of on Anvilmar, who I'm sure is less of a pervert than the preceding paragraph made him out to be.)

Do you have any unusual World of Warcraft images that are just collecting dust in your screenshots folder? We'd love to see it on Around Azeroth! Sharing your screenshot is as simple as e-mailing cheap wow gold with a copy of your shot and a brief explanation of the scene. You could be featured here next!

Remember to include your player name, server and/or guild if you want it mentioned. We prefer full screen shots without the UI showing -- use alt-Z to remove it. And please, no sunsets, and I promise buy wow gold I will get the gallery working again tonight.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ask WoW Insider: Making friends on a new server

Welcome to today's edition of Ask WoW Insider, in which we publish your questions for dissection by the peanut gallery -- now with extra snark and commentary by one of our writers. This week Matt writes in:

Good afternoon to all the staff at Wow Insider. My name is Matt, early 20's, and am having a problem making new friends on a new server.

I recently Paid Character Transfer'd to Xavius EU from Balnazzar EU, and as they were looking for a hunter for Black Temple I was recruited to a guild without an application. Although this goes against popular opinion from a few of the people on my old server world of warcraft gold, I believe that creating an application provides a formal introduction of both yourself as a character and a person. I went from raid leading and being an important member of a T5 clearing guild to a new recruit and trial member in a T6 almost-cleared guild. The step down has been difficult for me to take, and the feeling of not being able to make decisions has shell-shocked me a little bit.

My issue is, how does one go about creating new friendships and relationships on a completely new server and with a guild that contains no-one you know? Balnazzar had a thriving IRC channel, shared in-game chat channel between members of varying guilds, and a fantastic Wow Europe realm forum - Xavius doesn't seem to have any of these: the IRC channel is unfriendly and quiet, no shared channel and the realm forum is full of useless troll posts. The guild seem to forget that I've pretty much got no-one to speak to on the new server, and I've spent more time on my other two 70's on Balnazzar than my hunter cheap wow gold. Raids are fantastic, and I know that if I was accepted into the more social aspect of the guild I'd enjoy it a lot more than I currently am, but if the situation doesn't change I will probably look elsewhere, which is a shame because the new guild is a really solid, well structured and mostly friendly place to be.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Art of War(craft): Choosing PvP targets part I

My wife's Holy Priest got ganked on the Throne of Kil'jaeden the other day by a full Season 3 MS Warrior. She grouped with a Shadow Priest who was questing in the area and had also fallen victim to the bloodthirsty Human world of warcraft gold. They got ganked a couple more times while I took my Shaman over to lend them a hand. We managed to take down the ganker several times but not before he almost killed the poorly-geared Shadow Priest. Every time that the Warrior would rezz, he would immediately Charge the Shadow Priest and proceed to Mortal Strike him to within an inch of his life, despite getting heals from my wife's Holy Priest and my Restoration Shaman.

After several more tries, the Warrior mounted up and proceeded to taunt me away from the group wow gold, the only one he hadn't yet ganked, but I simply brushed him off with a /bored emote. My wife wondered why the Warrior kept on going for the Shadow Priest instead of herself. It only made sense, I replied, pointing out that the Shadow Priest was the most logical target considering he was undergeared. My wife countered that she wasn't equipped in PvP gear, either, but I reasoned that since he'd killed her once, he knows she's not specced Discipline because he's seen Spirit of Redemption pop up. That meant no Pain Suppression, and that there's no way she could heal through his damage.

One of the most crucial skills in PvP is choosing the right target, and encounters, matches, are won and lost through choosing the right target buy wow gold. This necessitates a full understanding of the limitations of one's own class, a moderate knowledge of other classes, a familiarity with gear, and an awareness of one's surroundings. It's rapid threat assessment and measured response. Almost every encounter will be different, even with the same players involved. Even with a lot of experience, choosing targets in PvP can still so often go wrong.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm a lore nerd. Plain and simple. Nerdy nerd nerd. Thus, my kryptonite is questions such as, "Who is Aran's son?" and "Why are Blood Elves in Mount H

Hybrid Theory returns after a month long hiatus. We could tell you a long and boring story about how Alex's computer suffered a horrible death during his relocation from Wisconsin to Michigan, but we won't wow. Just picture the battle scene from Braveheart, except replace the English with a PC. It was basically the same thing.

Last week, we were graced with a boatload of Wrath news. With the Wrath news came Death Knight news. With the Death Knight news came laments of, "my class is dead, noo!" from the WoW community. Yes, it is probably quite intimidating to add another class to the tanking niche for the tank classes, especially considering we've seen the incredible Death Knight abilities and not those of anybody else buy wow gold, but I think all of our classes will be quite safe come Wrath.

There are a few things that should be taken into consideration before we run in circles screaming of the apocalypse and mourn our forgotten not-Death-Knight-tanks cheap wow gold. Head on past the jump to find out just what the heck I mean!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The rise of disease

Death Knights. Seems like they're all the rage these days, and they haven't even been released yet. It was revealed that Death Knights start at Level 55, the only requirement being that the player has an existing Level 55 character wow gold. Daniel has even declared his intention to make a Death Knight his main when the time comes. I wouldn't be surprised to see a proliferation of Death Knights when Wrath of the Lich King is finally released. When that time comes buy wow gold, prepare to get inoculated because the class is the first to finally use diseases as a core class mechanic.

Aside from Undead Priests and their Devouring Plague, there are no player abilities that inflict the disease Dispel Type. So far, two disease-based abilities have been revealed: Blade Strike and Blood Strike. Designed to work off each other, Blade Strike is an attack that applies a disease on the target in addition to base damage while Blood Strike deals damage based on the number of diseases on the target. Death Knights are also able to raise Ghouls to fight for them and are projected to have an ability that applies a disease on their targets. Load up on Airborne, because it's going to get pretty toxic in Northrend cheap wow gold.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Get your bear mount before Wrath

You know that awesome Amani War Bear? The one that has been sold for 20,000 gold? Well, you'd better work on getting it as soon as possible if you want one, because when Wrath of the Lich King comes out, it will no longer be attainable world of warcraft. Currently you get it as a reward for a time-based challenge in the ten-man raid Zul'Aman: free all four prisoners in time, get bear.

Tigole just posted in the official forums that upon Wrath's release, the bear will be replaced with "a very good, epic item," basically to preserve the prestige of having gotten the bear at its intended difficult level. He says they plan on doing a similar thing with the "Hand of A'dal" and "Champion of the Naaru" titles as well wow gold. I can understand this move -- it would probably be trivial to get the bear with a raid full of level 80s. And there is still a fair amount of time before Wrath comes out.

However, it makes me sad to see something become impossible to get. I think it would be a better solution if they made it so the bear could only be attained by a raid containing no members above level 70, personally. As Zach pointed out to me cheap wow gold, the change that they're proposing now means that no Death Knight will ever be on a bear mount, and that's just sad. Unless, that is, they introduce a polar bear mount in Northrend -- did somebody say panserbjørne?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Blizzard cracks down on arena win trading

We already know that Blizzard is tweaking arena rules to make it much tougher to artificially inflate your rating by win trading or buying high ranked teams in Season 4, but it looks like they're starting to take it one step further wow gold, by cracking down on people who indulge in it.

Reports are coming in from the official forums and from other spots around the web of people getting bans or suspensions (generally 72 hours in length) and having their Season 3 arena gear stripped. The bans are even permanent in some cases, such as that of Sinther of Stormscale, whose account was permanently banned when his friend used it to do some win-trading, with the win trading given as the specific reason for his banning cheap wow gold. You can read many of these stories and reports in this forum thread.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Insider Trader: Fishing, the final stretch

Until very recently, with patches 2.3 and 2.4, fishing was a skill mainly taken up by those players aching to relax. Casual questers who couldn't play for hours and be all business, or raiders looking to escape the pressure wow gold, took to their favorite remote and beautiful areas with a rod, some music, and a tag.

In my small and tight-knit guild, fishing often meant story time. While I was feeling Zen fishing from the Forgotten Coast, another guildmate was storming the shores along Stranglethorn Vale, and we would exchange anecdotes and gossip. We took pleasure in our secret source for cloth, leather, ore and greens, as well as fish for alchemy, and helped finance our level 40 mounts through fishing.
Still, many players, if not most players, seemed to find fishing boring, slow and annoying. Fortunately, fishing has never been necessary for any character if it does not provide pleasure. Even cooks, who stood to benefit the most from fishing cheap wow gold, could work around it, and push through any rough patches by buying small stashes of certain fish from other players.

Of course, now that fishing is more lucrative, its secrets more widely known, more people have shown an interest. As cooking became more important, so did fishing, not because you couldn't maximize cooking without it, but because some of the best buff foods are made with fish. Those who need a constant supply can't rely on the auction house.

Recently, Robin Torres wrote up some tips to leveling fishing at level 70, and this week, Insider Trader is taking an in-depth look at maximizing your fishing skill. For the inside scoop on reaching 375 as quickly as possible buy wow gold, or as profitably as possible, head on through the break.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bornakk speaks on the whole esports thing

So a while back, Tom Chilton talked about turning WoW into a "viable Esports platform" in an interview with Gamespy, and lots of players did not take it well. Some time later, the fire has still not died down. Darqchild of the Perenolde server posted another complaint about this the other day, expressing a belief that the creation of a 2nd rule set and the domination of the esports concept had already gone with the implementation of a Tournament server.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Blizzard developers are out there

An interesting discussion went on in the Community Service forums yesterday concerning the role Blizzard developers play in those very forums. A poster was obviously attempting to troll and start some argument, asking if the Blizzard devs actually do read what people write or pay attention to the community at large. Kisirani wow gold, a Blizzard developer, responded that indeed they do.

A few interesting things came from subsequent blue posts that help outline the roles of the developers and community managers. First, it is the job of the community managers (CMs as we call them) to do just what their title says: manage the community cheap wow gold. This includes the forums and everything that goes on in there. Kisirani tells us that they regularly collect feedback and suggestions and pass them along to the developers. Kisirani makes it a point to say that they don't have enough time to read everything themselves, and if they were to read everything the game itself would not be developed – and again, this is where the community managers come into play.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ready Check: Felmyst

Ready Check is a weekly column focusing on successful raiding for the serious raider. Hardcore or casual, ZA or Sunwell Plateau wow gold, everyone can get in on the action and spend thousands of gold on repairs and consumables. This week, we face an undead lady dragon with serious breath issues.

Felmyst is the third boss in the Sunwell Plateau. As you approach the Brutallus encounter, you see him doing battle with Madrigosa, a blue dragon. Upon defeating Brutallus, Felmyst rises from her corpse in undead form and begins circling around the plain where you fought Brutallus. (She's quite feisty cheap wow gold, and will aggro if some AoE abilities are used while she flies over, so be careful!)

The encounter is an execution fight, and requires a lot of attention throughout from everyone in the raid. In terms of preparation, you don't need any resistance gear for the fight, but having a Cauldron of Arcane Protection will help mitigate some of the raid damage. The most common strategy also relies quite heavily on priests' Mass Dispel ability, but before we jump ahead to raid composition,wow, let's look at what you'll face during the encounter.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Choosing the group role (for the hot engineer sex)

Why wouldn't you want to have hot engineer sex? That's the point made over at "Groups of Words" in a post about choosing a role specifically to set up your spot in a group wow gold. Well at least that's the point I came away with -- let me start over.

Most players choose their role based on what they want to do the most -- if you like playing as a ranged character, Hunter is probably a good choice, while being a Rogue will let you sneak around. But if playing in groups is your thing, says GoW, then you should aim for one of those roles that groups want: healer or tank world of warcraft gold. That's one reason I personally chose a resto Shaman -- everybody always needs a good healer and/or tank, and with a Shaman, I can fill that role, or go off and do my own thing as well.

GoW compares it to being a woman at an engineering school, where you've got your pick of the 1:6 girl/guy ratio (my alma mater, fortunately, had odds stacked slightly the other way). But other than the hot engineering sex, the point is a good one: if you're on a realm suffering from a lack of tanks and healers and you want to group up cheap wow gold, why not fix things yourself and roll up one or the other?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Addon Spotlight: Buffet

Welcome to the Sunday edition of Addon Spotlight. Today I am going to spotlight one of my new favorite addons. Many of you may shake your head in silent ridicule of my constant love for Tekkub's addons wow gold, but you need to check out Buffet!

Buffet, in Tekkub's words, is a simple water and food managing addon. It combines two of my favorite addon characteristics; saving actionbar space and making use of the macro system.

So, basically, what you get with this addon are two automatically generated macros that will manage your food and drink items cheap wow gold. The addon will create the two macros, which are placed in your General Macros tab, you just place them on your actionbar. Suddenly you will have two great little automated buttons. In combat, they switch to consumables you can use in combat, like Super Healing Potions, Super Mana Potions and Master Healthstones. Out of combat, the macros (to include the icon and tooltip) switches to the best food / drink combination available.

Check in after this for the best description available; Tekkub's.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What are you looking forward to the most in WotLK?

There have been lots of little bits of news and information coming out about Wrath of the Lich

King lately. With the World Wide Invitational 2008 just around the corner where WotLK will be

playable again for us all, and the news that Wrath is in alpha, we can expect to see more and

more come out about the world of warcraft game.

With this expectation of the beta and eventual release building, a lot of people are getting

excited about different things. So I want to know, what are you most excited about?

For me, I'm most excited about seeing the new end game raid content. I'm with a very dedicated

group of raiders right now who do about 20 hours a week of raiding, and it's a lot of fun.

Hopefully we'll all still be around in WotLK and get to push into the new content quickly and

with a lot of zeal wow gold.

Then there is the Death Knight. Who isn't thrilled at the chance to play a new class? We haven't

ever seen a new class in WoW, and it's bound to throw a wrench in the way a lot of folks play the

game. Seeing the Death Knight get integrated into raiding will be a very interesting thing to