Saturday, April 26, 2008

What are you looking forward to the most in WotLK?

There have been lots of little bits of news and information coming out about Wrath of the Lich

King lately. With the World Wide Invitational 2008 just around the corner where WotLK will be

playable again for us all, and the news that Wrath is in alpha, we can expect to see more and

more come out about the world of warcraft game.

With this expectation of the beta and eventual release building, a lot of people are getting

excited about different things. So I want to know, what are you most excited about?

For me, I'm most excited about seeing the new end game raid content. I'm with a very dedicated

group of raiders right now who do about 20 hours a week of raiding, and it's a lot of fun.

Hopefully we'll all still be around in WotLK and get to push into the new content quickly and

with a lot of zeal wow gold.

Then there is the Death Knight. Who isn't thrilled at the chance to play a new class? We haven't

ever seen a new class in WoW, and it's bound to throw a wrench in the way a lot of folks play the

game. Seeing the Death Knight get integrated into raiding will be a very interesting thing to

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